I was summoned. The angel that summons me does not look at me, but he said, "You have someone that wants to see you again." So I know that means I've already seen this person. So I sit and wait for them to come forth as always. Finally I see someone coming. When they are about four or five feet from me I am able to see who it is. It is important that I do not try to figure it out, but just relax. He said, "Remember me?" I said, rather I thought, because they read my thoughts, I'm trying. “Well, I remember you. We talked before and I just wanted you to be encouraged, and to take a message back to your friends." It was the Apostle Paul.
This is what he was sharing with me. He wants to know, what does the Father mean to us? What is the reason for the Father? He wants to know, how do we feel about the name, 'Father;’ what does it mean in your soul, spirit and heart? But he made it specific for you to read—gave me two Scriptures: Matthew 6. Psalm 23. But he wants you to read, as well as me, and to break it down as you read, and write down what it is speaking to you, how it makes you feel in your heart, soul and spirit. I believe the Lord's Prayer is in Matthew chapter 6. There's a lot of people that just read, that's all, they just read. But if you break it down, a few words at a time and let it speak to you, that is what he wants.
See, this is all about the gifts and operating in the five fold gifts. Part of being a preacher, a teacher, evangelist; being a prophet, being an apostle. Also he said, “Make sure they share this. Because when you share it you'll get feedback and understand more in your heart, mind and soul.” Then he began to speak to me again about what I have to face. He said, "You have a wonderful journey. A blessed journey. You will do things that you never thought you could do. You will say things that you never thought you could say; all because of this journey. You will have many to help you. Each person that is speaking to you here, you will have that with you. Also every bit that you share will go into your friends.” Apostle Paul said, “You need to read more about my story."
Scriptures: Matthew 6; Psalm 23
What does the Father mean to you?
What is the reason for the Father?
How do you feel about the name, Father? What does it mean in your soul, spirit, and heart?
For The Journey and Ruben,