Again on this beautiful journey I was summoned to go with the angel climbing the steps. I wait on my bench for someone to visit with me and soon see someone coming. Is it a man? A woman? Then I could see it is a woman. She said, "I know you remember me. I was given this chance to visit with you again and I wanted to see you and talk with you a little more. My name is Hannah.
"I wanted to see you again, let me look at you.” She looked at me and said, I see, I see. I had to see it again. Now I know. She said, “Sometimes we have to give up things and go through suffering. So I just want you to acknowledge what you will have to give up and go through for your journey. But you will be victorious in the end. You will hit bumps here and there, but you will have supporters to help you and they will be there for you. But you will have Angels as well. Never feel like you have to walk with your head down. Always walk with it up because you're better than that. This is what I would like you to do. I said a prayer to the Father, it's in the Bible. I want you to use that prayer and pray it to the Father. I prayed to the Father what I would do with my first born. Let it be applied to your heart and soul.
“Now I would like for your friends also to know that as you come together in one accord it becomes stronger than you could ever imagine. They will also be blessed. When you get blessed they get blessed. When you receive something they receive something. Those who are in agreement, in one accord will be blessed more than they could ever imagine. I am still seeking for that moment when you will also see my son. He has a lot to share with you. But have an ear to hear, an eye to see. Pay close attention. All that we say to you, into your heart and soul, do not take it lightly. Even your friends, because you'll be completed as one into God's Kingdom. It's for a journey. So do not let your mind be troubled, but always peace. Allow me to embrace you. It is an honor for me to embrace you as my own.” And she did. Her last words: "I hope I see you again, I would like to see you again."
Ruben: I had a good rest, peaceful rest, then I was summoned again by the angel and climbing the steps as earlier. He said to me, "Someone else wants to see you, wait here, enjoy yourself." That’s what he said! Then I see someone, I'm excited to see who it is. He comes close, grins and says, "I know you don't know who I am. I'm in the Old Testament, something that you need to continue to read. But I will help you my brother. I've heard great things about you and you do have a wonderful journey. So, have a seat and let me look at you. He stared and stared and stared and, “Oh, I see what they are talking about. I see why they are all trying to give little by little into your heart, your soul and your spirit—into your mind. Yes, because you're going to need it. My name is Daniel.
"I yearned to see you and talk to you because of what I hear. Now here I am, it's my turn. I know sometimes you feel all alone, just like I did at times. I want to share with you what I went through. I was summoned like you. I was appointed as a prophet. I see what you are going to face. You need all the help that we can give you. This is going to be an honor for me to speak to you. Hopefully we will walk together. I have some things to share with you. But have an ear. Open your heart and soul because there's a lot more to come. And, what we share, we share for you and whoever is listening; to glorify the Father and to strengthen your heart, mind and soul. I will see you again my brother. It will be a privilege to see you. I will see you soon."
Scripture: Hannah's prayer is found in 1 Samuel chapter 2
For The Journey and Ruben,