Gabriel and the coming war:
During the day I submitted to take a nap and I was summoned. The angel came and I followed him up the steps. As always he said, “Just sit and someone will be with you.” Now the people there acknowledge me by waving at me and I can wave at them. I marvel how many are there, and more to come. This time I was able to see Gabriel come, and this time he didn't knock me down. But it happens so fast! His embrace is just wonderful, and he says, “It’s good to see you again, but I didn't knock you down this time. Walk with me.” So I walked with Gabriel and he said, “I know you're thinking ‘where am I taking you?’” We kept on walking and what I was seeing was beautiful, huge, colorful flowers. Such an aroma! Gabriel said, “No, this is not what I was going to show you, we're almost there.” Soon Gabriel said, “Now, stop here and look. When the time comes for the war, this is all the angels. Can you see how they are sharpening their swords? Take your time and look. There is a war coming. Now, take one step to the right and look at that. That is my Master's horse. It's pure white isn't it? Because it was spoken the Master will return on a white horse. Tell your friends what you see because it will come to pass. All these angels will do war against darkness. My brother, I wanted you to see this because there have been a lot of questions about the coming of the Lord with angels. Now you know. This is good for you. You read about it more because now you have seen it. Now you get to share it. Now read about it some more. Tell your friends to stay close to you and to each other. We all must come together. I will see you again my brother. Go in peace.”
Later I was summoned during the night. The angel came, I woke up and walked the steps with him, and he told me to take my seat, someone would be with me. The aromas overwhelm me. Then I see a man coming. He gets closer and says, “I know you've not forgotten about me. I am back with a very urgent message. I am Isaiah. Do not forget who I am.
“I've come forth with a message that needs to be delivered. What was given to me I went back and forth letting the people know what my Father wanted me to share with them. Let your friends know what I spoke in the Word will speak into their lives more than ever. Stronger than ever, more light than ever. If you would read Isaiah 58. Let it soak into your spirits. Let them be moved by the Spirit because my Father's Word is His Word. In ways you never imagined it will speak into your soul, mind and spirit. It's another increase that you will see in your journey. Let me embrace you my brother, you're going to need it. Keep your head up. What a wonderful journey you have, and your friends. But we can see, we can hear what goes on. We're just trying to help you. Go in peace, I will see you again my brother.”
Scripture: Isaiah 58
For The Journey and Ruben,