Ruben: There’s been a lot of talk about our journeys, that we think we can't fulfill and finish the race, but we can through God's strength. It is His will, not our will to finish it because it's our destiny, our calling for His glory and for His kingdom. So we need to work together as one. We will run into issues, but we will pursue because of our faith and Who we trust. We have brothers and sisters we can relate to, to be encouraged and built up, and the angels backing us and guiding us which path to take to finish the race to God's glory.
So I was summoned again. That was a new word for me, summoned. It's a military term. When the angel says, ‘you're summoned,’ I am eager to be obedient and go, because of what I know I'm going to see, something great and wonderful and beautiful. We should always be expecting something from God each day. So I walk behind the angel and the aroma greets me when we arrive. I take my seat and observe the people, even the children waving at me—such a blessing! Someone is coming, when he speaks I know who he is. I want to be able to speak but they read my thoughts before I can say anything. He says, “I know you remember me, I'm the Apostle Paul.
“Let's visit, there's so much that I need to share with you.” I looked at Paul, looked at his face. Paul looked at me and said, “Don’t let your mind be troubled. Let me share with you my brother. These journeys and the journeys that your friends will go through are wonderful, it seems like every step you take is a step of glory. But I do want to let you know to be cautious of what's ahead and what you're going to face; just like all of us have gone through, but our journey was different. But we all have to go through persecution, all of us. We don't like it, we hate it. It hurts our heart and soul. But that's your commitment to the Father. For example, before I came to Christ I didn't care about anybody. I killed the believers. Whoever thought that I would change, that I could be something else. I never stopped to think of what I was doing, I never thought of that. Never thought how their families would suffer and cry out. My mind was set to kill. But now because I heard the voice of my Father—and you and your friends will hear, and you'll never be the same. Did I change? absolutely, and I was tested. Every time I went out I was tested. Who did I serve. Who did I believe. Who did I put my faith in. It was tested. These things will come and you will see. Even your friend’s friends.
“Do not fear because you will be victorious just as I was. Do not think everything will be pleasant because it won't be. You will suffer just like the Master. Be persecuted in different ways even by Christian people. But we must love them. We must love them. Let yourself and your friends walk with your heads up because you have a wonderful journey, and all those who follow with you. What a blessing. What a blessing. Because in order to get from ‘B’ to ‘A’ you have to go through these things. When does it end? Well, it grows and it grows and it grows. Listen, with all my heart and soul I wish no one else had to go through all this. No one should. But it's part of life. It's what we go through to acknowledge the love of the Father.
“I want you to read some chapters, read them through. Read and talk it over, then read them again. Start with Ezekiel, chapters 28 and 33. I also want you to read Revelation, chapters 2, 12, 13, 16. Then read Matthew chapters 4, and 10. Then I want you to read 2 Corinthians chapter 11, and John chapter 8. Read them and let them soak into you. This is a journey that you should not take lightly. Just as we did when we were appointed to something, we traveled, and we traveled and traveled. You will see. All this will come together because of Who you worship, Who you believe and Who you love. Now my brother, allow me to embrace you, show you my love and give you my blessing that you can give to your friends and they can give to their friends. I will see you again my brother because it is a beautiful journey that we here are looking forward to seeing and hearing. I will see you again.”
Scriptures: Ezekiel 28 and 33. Revelation 2, 12, 13, 16.
Matthew 4 and 10. 2 Corinthians 11. John 8.