Ruben began by praying briefly in the Spirit. Then said: I was summoned last night. The angel came from Heaven, tapped me on the shoulder and said, “You’re summoned.” As always I leap with joy and excitement to walk the steps with the angel; the presence, light, and aroma of the angel; the pureness and the holiness. As we get closer to Heaven the aroma gets heavier. I wish I could describe it, how overwhelming it is, but there aren’t words. Then the angel says, “Here’s your bench, let me help you with your robe and someone will be with you.”
I don’t like to sit down, I like to stand on the bench so I can see the view. The view that always intrigues me, seeing all the souls; some acknowledging that I’m there, some still just embracing one another. As far as I look it’s the same. Then I look to the children. The children are the most exciting thing to me, and now I get to hear their stories from a distance. I see one child that was five years old saying, “I was crippled, but I’m healed!” Another said, “I was blind, but now I can see!” I heard another one shout out, “I was pronounced dead, but now I’m alive!”
I keep glancing to the left and I see someone coming from a distance, but can’t tell who it is. Then before I know it they’re getting closer…..but there’s something……a glow. I stop and look. There’s something different about this person, maybe I’ve seen them, I don’t know. Then, it happened so fast, like lightening! Before I knew it I saw this person running to me, he’s right there embracing me, holds me tight and says, “It’s good to see you brother! I’m anxious to speak to you. Of course, I know you haven’t forgotten me, but I’ll tell you anyway. I’m Bob Jones.
“Sit down, let’s talk! I have so much to share, and let’s start off by this world. This world is in a LOT of trouble isn’t it? But let my friends know that we’re still praying in Heaven. In Heaven we’re praying for the people on the earth to be alert—to be alert! Let me share. I shared one time about corruption. I prophesied one time that the government and the churches would all be corrupted; especially the government will really be in darkness of evil. And then the churches, the churches will come against each other. Brother against brother, sister against sister. So, with that, know that because of my prophesies that are yet to be fulfilled; this is one of them. And maybe my friends that I mentored can share with you about the story I taught at one time about the storm, but there’s seven signs that we need to look to here. And there were three names that I saw in the heavens that had to answer to the Father. Great men. And because now they have passed into Heaven, what they had to answer to.
“But I know that the Father has this warning about faith: There’s no faith in the church. Yes! Because the church has gotten so accustomed to being lukewarm. No motivation, everything’s hunky dory. Everything’s nice and quiet. There’s no faith! That’s why there’s no healing. That’s why there’s no love. What has happened to the churches now? They have allowed evil spirits to come into the church and take over. Their own pastors have no knowledge of what’s happening because they’re in a web as well; and not understanding that they’re not really worshipping the Father—they are worshipping Lucifer! Because they have lack of discernment! They all lost it! Is it going to get harder? If my Father’s people do not come in unity like they’re supposed to……yes! If the churches do not come together like they’re supposed to……absolutely!
“If we start realizing and read what was talked about in Daniel, in Revelation; it’s like it’s all coming together. We have to seek, and take hold, and take back what the enemy has stolen. We’re weak. The Body is weak! Do they not understand, is it not clear that we have authority, but are not practicing using that authority? Or do we want somebody else to do it for us? How can that be? There’s a lot, a lot that now my friends and those I mentored, start opening their eyes and ears to what’s coming forth in prophesies; and those that prophesy that are led by the Spirit to bring truth to our understanding, because we need it! And to repent to the Father that He would show mercy unto the church.
“I know that my friends and the ones I mentored understand what I’m saying about the storm and seven signs. How do you compare it to what’s happening now? Hear it. Find it. You’ll see.
“Now my brother, go and share this because it’s very crucial for my friends, for my Father’s people. Enough of no healing! Enough persecution! Use their authority! And speak truth! Now go, because I will see you again and hopefully it won’t be too long. Go in peace.”
Psalm 107:2
Hebrews 6:19
Ephesians 5
Jeremiah 33:3
Isaiah 48:6-7
Psalm 115:16
Matthew 16:19
Hebrews 13:17
2Timothy 2:24-25
Ephesians 2:22
Search for the Bob Jones teaching about ‘The Storm’. Also search Daniel and Revelation for Scriptures that fit with this summons message.
For The Journey and Ruben,