Ruben opened the release of this summons message wearing his prayer shawl (tallit), praying in the Spirit, and blowing his shofar.
Then shared: I was summoned to Heaven again. As always, it never fails, an angel taps me on the shoulder, and I know it’s the same angel because I recognize his touch. And with the touch the same words over and over; “You’re summoned.” Gladly my spirit leaps, ready to walk with the angel, excited to see him and be walking up the steps into Heaven. What a great moment when you’re able to walk into the heavens, stepping into glory to glory, and glory to glory. What a blessing! The angel looks at me as I’m just talking away and sensing the aroma that’s coming forth, aroma that never fades away, but just gets stronger, that you are blessed with, and just seeps into your soul. And sometimes, wherever you go, it’s with you, in the Spirit—in the Spirit.
We arrive and the angel says, “You know the routine. Let me help you with your robe and someone will be with you.” Then he said, “You’re blessed. You’re blessed.” So as usual I stand on the bench so I can look at all the wonderful people that I’m able to see. Thousands and thousands of people greeting one another with a holy kiss. Then I see the children as well. Children have a way of laughing, and a way of talking to each other. Then I feel a breeze coming forth, like a wind, so I stand strong and firm on the bench so it won’t knock me over. And of course, out of nowhere, it’s Gabriel.
Gabriel stands tall, smiling. He said, “Do not be frightened, you will never fall. You’re blessed.” He said, “Walk with me.” So I walk with Gabriel on a path, a path where you see green like a carpet, only it’s not carpet it’s grass, blue grass. You can take your shoes or sandals off, you don’t need them, you’re just walking freely. You get to see the flowers, how they’re all combined together next to each other, the varieties, colors, aromas all mixed together; it makes a beautiful rainbow…! What beautiful scenery! Gabriel said, “Continue to walk with me, I want to show you something so you can share with my Lord’s people.
“Can you see from a distance? My Lord wants to show you something. Can you see? And hopefully whoever hears this can be still. Be silent. Can close their eyes without any interruptions, and just see. Can you see? Do you see how the angels are flying? Dancing, moving, rejoicing, flying? But can you see through the atmosphere, in the center—there’s my Master. My Master wants to know what His people would do now? My Master is down on one knee. My Master wants to know if we would run to Him, help Him? Or would we be the same as when they were passing judgement on Barabbas and my Master? (“Then they brought Jesus from Caiaphas into the Praetorium (judgment hall, governor's palace, of Pilate). And it was early…….. “But it is your custom that I release one [prisoner] for you at the Passover. So shall I release for you the King of the Jews? Then they all shouted back again, Not Him [not this Man], but Barabbas!”) John 18:28, 39-40 AMPC
“Where were His people? Were they frightened? Were they intimidated? Will my Lord’s people be intimidated? Will they be scared among other people? Will they not speak up? Will they not run to my Master? What would His people do? Just be silent like they did at the beginning of the judgement? There was more sound, more outcry, more gathering for Barabbas! His name was mentioned more than ever. Where were His people, my Master’s people?
“Well, are we in the same boat now? Will we speak or not speak? Will we run to Him? What would happen? Will we help Him? Will we help our Lord, our Master? Or would we stay back in fear of what they might do to us? Mock us. Criticize us. Rebuke us. Or maybe they’ll hang us on a cross. My Master would like to know. To ask ourself, if I can only imagine. To ask each other, if I can only imagine, what would I do? What would I do? Stand tall? Run no matter what the cost is? Doesn’t matter! Not look to the right or left or back, just go forward? Will we praise with Him? Will we jump for joy? Will we be crucified in peace, in love, in praise? What would we do?
“Now, go tell. Tell my Lord’s people. Go tell them they have a choice. They have a choice. Go my brother, and I will see you again.”
The Scripture for this message is Psalm 150.
Also I was asked to include the link to the song, “I Can Only Imagine,” by Mercy Me.
Note: The next day Ruben called to see how I was doing with transcribing the message. He shared what he himself has seen in this message since releasing it to me the evening before. He said: Gabriel was asking in the beginning, could I see the angels in the atmosphere, to look at the angels the way they are dancing, and moving, and rejoicing….the presence of angels. But that was because of Yeshua. Now, that’s in the beginning. Now, at the end, after all that’s been going on in this world, how do we see ourselves doing? Can we imagine ourselves being in the presence of Yeshua singing and dancing? Can we imagine what we would do in His presence? Can we imagine how we would flow in the Spirit with angels? If we could only imagine.
He also said we could compare what happened that judgement day with Jesus and Barabbas to our day and the judgement of the White House; the choices people make.
For The Journey and Ruben,