Ruben opened wearing his prayer shawl and prayed: Father, what is spoken today let it go into our spirit, mind and heart, but also to our soul. We thank You Father. We thank You Holy Spirit. And if we have failed or lack in any way of understanding or walking in forgiveness, we ask for forgiveness and that we would do our best to stay pure in our heart, spirit, mind and soul. Thank You Father. Thank You Holy Spirit.
I was summoned last night when the angel came forth, touched me on the shoulder and said, “You’re summoned.” I jumped up gladly to walk with the angel into the heavens! What an honor and pleasure to walk with an angel up the steps! I used to try to count how many steps, but not anymore because the angel’s presence overwhelms all else. His presence and the pureness of the atmosphere is my focus, until I’m overtaken by the aroma of Heaven greeting me as we arrive. I wish I could describe what that aroma is, but you can’t. It’s impossible to try to put together all the different scents of flowers, herbs and oils mixed together. It’s healing, refreshing and strengthening as you breathe it in. The angel tells me, “Here’s your bench, you know the routine, let me help you with your robe and someone will be with you. We’ll see each other again.” So I get up on the bench to see better. It’s always an honor to see into Heaven, see all the souls always greeting each other with such love. It’s the same, but not the same each time because it’s life! To my right it’s the same with the children. They’re just talking, walking about and playing their games, laughing and giggling the way happy children do. I looked to my left to see who might be coming on the path when suddenly I felt a breeze and it was refreshing like the breeze that blows in off the ocean. One more quick glance at the children then I heard a voice; “You should know who I am by now, because we have that bond. Yes, I am Gabriel.
“Sit with me, let me share with you about what is happening in the world. There is confusion.* There is a lot of hate—there’s always been hate, even more now. But those who come against my Father, my Master, that should know; and all who call themselves Christians, and all of those who are involved in darkness, lies, perversions—all the people who say there’s not a God, and all those who went against a man that the Father put in leadership** as your President. All those who made things up and went against........ See, Satan doesn’t give up does he? He is determined to corrupt everything! It’s all corruption! But let’s not forget; tell my Father’s people, not to forget they’re not fighting against flesh and blood,*** brother against brother, and sister against sister. That’s not how it should be. Never forget that! Pray for them! Pray for forgiveness!
“Judgement? Yes! Let my Father take the lead. He knows what He’s doing, you will see. You have to be patient.**** Patient! And hang onto your faith! Hang onto faith but also hope and justice. Because as you’re seeing, and as you’ll see as the days go on, the weeks, the months and then the years, that all these people that are corrupt will come against each other! How interesting that is isn’t it? They were as one, but now they will come against each other! But keep your faith! Keep your hope!
“Judgement? Yes! But even now, even now because of what is happening, people are wondering as the world turns, ‘what is going on? Why is the world changing? Why is the climate changing, the seasons changing? Why, when it should be cold it’s hot, and when it should be hot it’s cold?’ And you will see the storms increasing more.***** Try to picture in your mind that you will hear and you will see—you’ll see clouds that will be so dark, like something is stirring up—something you never thought you’d ever see or hear! And you wonder each day as you step out, and you say, ‘it doesn’t feel like anything—it’s not like taking a breather—just like darkness.’ You look to the east and to the west, the north and south and you’re seeing the same. Well, there were other people that had the same experience. You ask yourself, ‘what is it that’s wrong,’ day after day, week after week; and you look and you try to smell, or see or hear.
“Judgement. As the enemy tries to manipulate everything that he can, even into the churches, where they will not speak about my Father or my Master; but just to please themselves, just to please the Body! No honor! No glory! No praise! And you start realizing, and you wonder, ‘what is going on? What is all of this?’ And people will maybe wonder, ‘what is that smell?’ Well, back in the days the Jewish people knew that smell. They call it ‘The Holocaust.‘
“Things will change as the weather, climate, seasons come. And you will hear or see—‘what is falling in your hand—is somebody burning something—a neighbor? Or did a house catch fire down the street?’ You’ll see! There is only one God, my Master! So they must continue to plug into the Word more than ever. Each one must continue to encourage the others. Judgement? Yes! You will see how each one will come against another. Victory? Yes! Glory? Yes! Honor? Yes! That’s what is going to happen—even among the churches—they will come against each other, but victory! They will overcome, have favor and be kept safe and strong by encouraging each other and acknowledging my Master.
“There is so much to share about what is going to happen, what is coming. But so many people cannot grasp what is going to be shared because they let fear interfere with their minds, their hearts and souls. Go. Share this with my Father’s people. Be strong my brother! Go in the Name of my Master, Yeshua. I will see you again.”
*James 3:16
**Psalm 105:15
***Ephesians 6:12
****Romans 12:12
*****Matthew 24
For The Journey and Ruben,
Remember: Pray for America and President Trump;🇺🇸 Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu.🇮🇱