Ruben opened wearing his Tallis (prayer shawl) and praying in the Spirit, then prayed: I thank You Father that this message will bless Your People, and help them to have hope. To be ready for more prayer and to humble themselves before You, coming together as one in unity—in unity. Thank You Father. Thank You for this precious word. Bless those who can hear. Bless those who can see. Bless those that can embrace. Bless those that can run with this. In Your name, Yeshua. Amen.
It had been a couple of days since I was summoned and I was anxious for the angel to touch my shoulder. I felt his gentle touch and I was ready with tears of joy because I miss going to Heaven. So the angel said, “You’re summoned,” and my spirit leaped with him, walking the steps and glancing at him, and him glancing at me as if there is so much to say; but just the angel’s presence lifted my spirit and brought joy. As we neared the last steps I began to smell the aroma with a sense of a wind blowing, as if you’re at the ocean and the aroma comes forth. It’s hard to explain the aromas of honey, roses of all colors and fragrance, violets, and herbs all coming together in a unity—like we’re supposed to. You breathe it in, it fills your lungs and you want it to stay with you. The angel says, “You know the routine. Here’s your bench, let me help you with your robe and someone will be with you.”
So I stand on the bench the way I like to do so I can see more souls than you could ever imagine, as they continually embrace each other. And now they acknowledge my presence and wave at me with joy every direction I look. Then I turn to my right where I like to just be still and enjoy the children. The children that are always happy, laughing, always in good spirits. Too bad the world’s not like this. They giggle and play together, every race, every color because there is no racism in Heaven. I feel a breeze, but stay focused on the children, then there’s a powerful aroma. So I take a big breath and—it’s the Angel Michael.
He said, “It’s been a while. Come with me, I have so much to share.” So I walk with Michael. He began sharing with me about what is going on in the earth. How corrupted people are, and have allowed Lucifer to take over their mind. Take over their mind, their spirit, their heart......but take over their soul! Even within the church. Michael said, “All I know is what my Master said, ‘If His people would just humble themselves and pray, He will listen, He will spare them.’” Michael said, “So my Master’s people have forgotten how to really be humble in prayer. They’re so wrapped up in the things of the world, and giving praise to Lucifer by talking about Lucifer and spiritual demons, and by acknowledging the spirits but not doing anything about it. As they are corrupted in like a twister, in circles and circles and circles, talking about the same old thing; in the government, what’s in the church—gossip, gossip, and gossip! Have my Father’s people not learned anything?”
Michael said, “I know that people are waiting for the mark of 666, when it already started years ago, but in disguise. It’s adding up. It’s like the Pharisees still waiting for Messiah! That’s the way my Father’s people are—waiting, and it’s creeping in like death. For as they say, separate yourself 6 feet. Stay away from each other 6 feet—you see the mark 6, and another 6, and another 6. It’s all over the world! Now they want, even in the churches, separate yourselves 6 feet. Now they’re giving, not just one shot, two, three—and three more to come. For there is no cure. They don’t know! Lucifer does. He created it by men. Are we ready for the mark of the beast? For that’s what Lucifer wants. He wants all the people to turn against each other. He wants you to renounce your God. He wants you to walk away from religion, from church. He wants you to bow down to him! That’s his whole purpose. To get people, left and right, to come against each other, even among the church—even the people in the church! And allowing spirits to come into the church. They’re not worshipping the Father, but Lucifer!
“We can pretend that nothing is going on, but for how long? Judgement is coming. We don’t know when, how, where. We have to rely on the prophets that are faithful, that the Father has sent. Just like John the Baptist, Elijah, Elisha, Samuel, Ezekiel. Do we read enough? Do we come together in unity and prayer? Or are we winging it just to get by? Are we so wrapped up in being lukewarm? What has happened to the churches? What has happened to the churches? Judgement is coming on the church. They will not mock my Master! Everybody needs to repent in their own way to my Master.
“The government is corrupted. Their time will creep up on them. They will be exposed. But it is not for us to mock or to laugh, but to thank the Father, because it’s judgement. For us it is to stay pure, in prayer, in praise, and in His Word. His Word, for ever and ever. For ever and ever!
“Continue praying for Israel. For tragedy is coming in Israel. Continue to pray for their leader. (Naftali Bennett at this time).
“My Father had put someone in the United States that was pure—like a Trumpet! My Father says, “If My people will only humble themselves and pray, I will hear their prayers and skip judgement.”
“Now go. Release this message, and I will see you again.”
Some Scriptures to ponder:
Psalm 133
Psalm 53:1
Jeremiah 17:9-10
Colossians 3:1-2
Philippians 2:2
Philippians 4:8
Jeremiah 23:20
Hosea 7:2
2Chronicles 7:14
1John 2:18
Hebrews 10:23-25
Psalm 46:10
Psalm 126:6-9
Malachi 3:16-17
Romans 12:2; 4:23
John 17:17
Revelation 3:16
1Thessalonians 5:17; 5:23
Matthew 5:8
For The Journey and Ruben,