Ruben began by praying softly in the Spirit, wearing his tallit. Then shared: Today as I was resting and saying, 'time out,' I was summoned to Heaven. I felt the angel tap me on the shoulder as he said, "You're summoned." So my spirit leaped with joy, great joy, twirling and leaping, because I just want something; and what I want that people would never understand, is a trip to Heaven again. So the angel escorted me into the heavens, but as we walked the steps we became more connected in the atmosphere. I kept on talking, and I looked, and he looked; he was paying attention as I was speaking. Then the aroma begins coming forth. What a blessing it is. What an anointing is in the aroma waiting to pour out on the day of Pentecost, on the day of arrival. What a great day. The angel said, "You know the routine, here's your bench and let me help you with your robe, someone will be with you."
So I stand on the bench like always because I like to look around as far as I can see. What I see is these great men and women still embracing each other more than ever. There is so much joy in Heaven, so much peace, and it's the same everywhere I look. To the right I see the children doing the same thing. Oh, what laughter children bring to an adult. Laughter to your heart, mind, and soul as they look at each other, unmindful of race or color. I look to my left and see someone coming, but turn back to the beautiful children until this person appears. "I know you haven't forgotten about me; it's the timing of the Father, so let's sit to talk. I'm Paul Jackson. (In earlier messages he had explained that he goes by Paul Jackson in Heaven.)
"There's so much to share in what prophets go through and what they see and what they hear. And when the prophet speaks, it's the timing, but yet it needs to be released. Sometimes it can happen right then. Sometimes it takes a couple of days or months or even years. It's the timing when the Father releases. Do we have the patience to grasp and to be reminded, 'Oh yeah, the prophecy is yet to come, or, oh yeah, we heard this great prophecy, we can't wait till it comes, or for what is to come.'
"I know that somebody, or some of my followers have heard me speak about a storm. Now as I shared this storm, I wonder if they could remember, or if they could compare it to what is going on now? A prophecy? Is religion being carried away? Is the government taking over? Are countries fighting among each other? Trying to establish who is more powerful than the other? Is darkness yet to come? Or has it already come? What have you seen? What have you heard? What have you experienced?
"How pastors, evangelists, prophets, apostles have allowed the enemy to sneak in because they're too weak. Then the Body starts shrinking like a sponge because of fear, fear of the enemy, not fear of my Father. So they are squeezed and squeezed, start hiding and running because there is nothing in the church to back them up anymore because the pastors are the same way.
"Sometimes pastors really need to come together. Evangelists, teachers, prophets, and apostles, and realize they need to come back into unity more than ever. Why? That's the way to defeat what's out there, and take hold of what the Word of my Father says. If they believe what they read in the Word, and live what they read in the Word----Life, they will come together.
"So as you search and maybe hear about 'The Storm' I shared, can you relate it to now? Why so long? It's not for me to ask. It's for me to share it with you because it's the timing of the Father. So we have to look and be strong and really come together in unity. To fight the battle, but to walk in victory and move in the Spirit. We need to grow together and bond to each other more than ever.
"We need more prophets like Elijah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joseph. We need these great men because of what they experienced and shared to be strong for ever and ever.
"So my brother, you be strong. Yes, not everyone is going to accept what you share with them. Okay. But you heard what you heard. You're sent. You shared it. It's up to them. But they could miss it like they're missing everyday. Go in peace. Be strong. I will see you another time."
Ezekiel 34
Psalm 24 & 75
Hosea 4:6
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
Link to John Paul Jackson, The Perfect Storm
For The Journey and Ruben,